Doki Doki Forever

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Welcome to an exciting psychological thriller! At first, it looks like a usual game devoted to literature club, where its members create different stories and compose poems. But it is only the tip of an iceberg. Very soon, you will dive into unbelievable horror story with lots of intrigues and unexpected twists. All the characters are designed in a traditional anime style. They even have Japanese names, except for Monika who definitely stands out from the crowd.

Monika Forever

The plot starts when the protagonist was invited by one of the girls to join the literature club. Shortly, these two heroes feel attraction to each other. It was immediately noticed by Monika, who has her own plans for the guy. And this is the moment where the style of the game totally changes. The main hero finds out that his beloved girl has committed a suicide. Moreover, everything becomes corrupted. The behavior of other characters also changes for the worse. The protagonist is puzzled with a question of who stands behind these weird events? He starts his own investigation and learns that Monika is aware that she is only an animated character. But she can penetrate the files and distort some information from the game. So she is to be blamed for all these tragic and strange events! Now the player needs to do everything possible to delete the file of this ominous girl from the program! Start this adventure to see whether you can restore everything here and get rid of the enemy!

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