Doki Doki 2

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What does any boy dream about once he reaches that age when he starts seeing girls as something more than just carriers of pigtails that are so fun to pull? That’s right – surrounding himself with as many girls as possible! And the main character of Doki Doki 2 had this dream come true. One fine day, a real miracle happened – his childhood friend invited him to a literature club. At first he didn’t want to go, because he thought it would be boring and generally unfashionable (this is not a rock band after all!). But then he decided to give it a try out of courtesy – and didn’t regret it! After all, it turned out that he was the only guy in this club! All the rest were females. And pretty cute ones!

New club adventure

Each of the heroines of Doki Doki 2 has her own character and charm. In addition to that very childhood friend, for whom you naturally have the warmest feelings, you will meet a melancholy beauty who dreams of becoming a top model. And a determined chic with a character of a true fighter. And of course, the adorable president of the club who is distinguished not only by stunning appearance but also by no less stunning intelligence. From such a number of pretty young ladies, your eyes just run wide! And the game gives you a choice of who to hit on. At the end of each day you will have to write a poem dedicated to one of the girls – after all, this is a literary club! It can be done by choosing and arranging words that are most suitable for a given situation. If you try hard, your opus will definitely be appreciated!

Everything is different

And then, when you have almost achieved the favor of one of the dames, something unexpected happens. That same childhood friend suddenly commits suicide. And this, oddly enough, is reflected in the game itself. It crashes with a system error message and you have to restart it again. Naturally, nothing from the previous game is saved, so you start all over again. Only now everything is different. The girl who died is no more, her place is taken by another heroine. And the previous ones suddenly change their character for no reason at all. And since this is an anime-style game, you can’t do without some rather brutal scenes with sharp blades and spilled blood. What’s going on here and what’s the matter? An extremely unexpected plot twist awaits you, which definitely won’t leave you indifferent! So if you want to know all the answers, start playing Doki Doki 2 right now!

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